Plan your dream trip.

Get suggestions from AI, collaborate with friends and add your own spots with our map maker.

People emojiPlan trips
CameraShare guides
My trip
Map with people and events on it

As seen on the internet.

Fast Company logoWondertools logoForbes logo

City Templates

Start with a PamPam itinerary template or from scratch.

Map lovers, welcome home.

PamPam maps are customizable so you can do more than just plan trips.

City Guide

Guide for your trip or city

Roadtrip planner

Planner for your roadtrip

Bucket list

Save places that you want to go to.



Plan trips with friends

AI assistant

Get suggestions from AI


Share it with a link.


See your trip on your phone

Ready to travel?

PamPam is a new way to make and share maps and plan trips. You can get started for free.