Maps for writers & media

Instantly make and embed interactive maps for your publication, or blog.

Screenshot of a PamPam map showing a guide to Berlin

Instantly turn your text into a map

Paste in the text of your story, or a link, and PamPam will generate an interactive map. No spreadsheets or code required.

Try it for free
Image of a photographer
Image of a shop

Increase engagement.

No more static lists. Increase time spent on your publication by adding interactive maps with pictures, videos and links.

See it live


Embed maps directly into your Wordpress, Framer and Webflow site. Looks great on mobile.

Screenshot of a website with an embedded PamPam map

Instantly make maps.

PamPam uses AI to turn your content into maps.

Sparkle icon

Prompt to map

Create maps by describing them.

Link icon

Link to map

Paste in a link with places and map it

Search icon

Search for it

Search by name, or drop a pin.

Crowdsource icon

Text to map

Paste in your article text and map it

What's an AI map?

PamPam is the new AI map. You can create interactive custom maps with multiple pins. Use AI to help you add real places on the map. Book a demo or try it for free.